Meetings & Events for All Masonic Bodies and The Masonic Hall

2024-2025 Resurgam Lodge Officers
Serving Resurgam Lodge and all of its Brothers for the 2024-2025 Masonic Year are the following officers, elected June 11, 2024, and regularly installed on June 29, 2024:
WM – Tye Harris; SW – Brandon Manchester; JW – Nick Huber; SEC – Mike Deakins, PM; TRS – Matt Buenzow, PM; SD – Dean Hansen; JD – Josh Schwingler; CHP – Jeffrey Larson. PM; SS – Hunter Shopene; JS – Jesse Kostopolous; M – Troy Magnuson, PM; T – James Taylor, PM.
You can call Resurgam Lodge at 605-996-4724. If no one answers, please listen carefully to the telephone queue and you will be directed to specific information on various Masonic Bodies and general information.
The Worshipful Master, Senior & Junior Wardens, and Secretary can be reached at their respective email addresses:
Master –;
Senior Warden –;
Junior Warden –; and
Secretary –